Monday, October 3, 2011


Tuesday, September 20th, 2011, we officially started our garden. The first seeds we planted: romaine lettuce. I have never grown lettuce before, but I figured it would be a good plant to start with. The kids can eat it when it's grown, and I don't think it takes too long to grow.

I didn't have a lot of soil with me, so our planter is only half-full, but the kids helped me fill the planter, I poked 7 holes in the soil, and each one put a pinch of seeds in a hole, and then we buried the seeds and watered them.

As we planted, I talked to them about what a plant needs to grow: soil, water, and sun, and God uses all of that to make them grow!

The kids had a blast digging in the dirt. I'm anxious to plant our next seeds, but more than that, I'm anxious for these seeds to sprout. The seed packet says they will germinate in 5 days, which means next week, the kids should see some sprouts! So cool!

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